The Human Brain Project

Image converted using ifftoanyThe Human Brain Project won one of two billion-Euro research grants from the European Union. Over the next ten years, it aims to create a complete computer simulation of the human brain.

As the author of Upload, a thrilling sci-fi story about the first person to upload his consciousness into a computer, I’m keenly interested in this cutting-edge research into cognitive computing. It has the potential to bring futuristic technologies like those in Upload much closer. It also makes my fiction feel all the more relevant, as thought-leaders struggle with the possibilities and ethical implications surrounding simulation of the human mind.

There’s a pretty good introductory video up at the Human Brain Project’s website. Exciting stuff — check it out. And then read my book to help stir your imagination!

Review of Ready Player One

Ready Player OneReady Player One by Ernest Cline

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

An escapist romp set in the near future, Ready Player One is the story of Wade Watts, a teenaged boy obsessed with winning a treasure hunt that demands deep knowledge of 80s pop-culture and video games. The winner will inherit the vast wealth and thriving business empire of the man who created the hunt, James Halliday, a recently deceased computer genius born in 1972 and freakishly nostalgic about his childhood. Halliday’s empire includes OASIS, the virtual world where most of humanity spends most of its time. The value of the prize is so great that Innovative Online Industries, cold-hearted giant of the network-infrastructure industry, creates a department of expert contestants under contract to sign over their winnings should they be the first to find the coveted egg. The head of this special department, Nolan Sorrento, is the villain — caricature of the calculating, cutthroat executive — leading his army of corporate drones in a brutal, no-rules race to beat Wade and his friends to the egg.

I can see why this book has been so popular — very high word-of-mouth potential. The number of 80s nerd-culture references is staggering, and it’s hard not to want to mention this book to a nerd friend. But the story sometimes feels like a vehicle for movie, video-game, and anime references. For me, the thrill of nostalgia for Zork, Adventure, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Star Blazers (a personal favorite), Joust, Devo, etc. wore off pretty quickly. The core story was fun, albeit predictable, but I found the pure escapist enjoyment a little lacking. To give me escape, a book has to transport me. I too often found myself distracted by the pop-culture references, thin character development, and obvious mechanisms of storytelling. I also didn’t come away feeling at all enlightened or inspired; the morals of the story — seek satisfaction in reality-prime, true beauty lies within, and we nerds should get outside more — all felt rather tacked on. I understand that this book wasn’t meant to change my life, but I love it when a light read turns out to give me a surprisingly inspiring little push. (Neverwhere comes to mind.)

Ready Player One is a good example of the increasing overlap between sci-fi and fantasy. The use of v-worlds in sci-fi allows the writer to incorporate fantasy elements into a story that’s ultimately grounded in reality-prime. I did a fair amount of this in my own novel, Upload, but I always tried to keep it relevant to the speculative heart of science fiction. In Ready Player One, I didn’t find much to chew on in terms of ideas and questions about the future. It felt heavy on the fantasy, light on the sci-fi. Which is great — just don’t pick up Ready Player One expecting a lot of thought-provoking speculation on where we humans are headed. Think “Scott Pilgrim vs. the World”, not I, Robot.

Kirkus recommends Upload as similar to Ready Player One. I was downright ecstatic when I saw my book placed alongside such a popular title, and I do think someone who liked Ready Player One will probably enjoy Upload, but the two books are very different in feel. Ready Player One is fun and pretty fluffy, and felt to me like it was written for a teen audience — and for children-of-the-80s looking for a little nostalgia. Upload is a good deal more intense, more noir, more adult. In both, the hero had a difficult childhood and received much of their “parenting” in virtual reality. Both stories also have the hero on the run. But in Upload there’s a lot more internal struggle, meatier relationship issues, more focus on science, and serious questions about where technology is taking us.

For me, Ready Player One gets three stars. Would I recommend it? To a trivia hound or 80s pop-culture fanatic, yes. Otherwise, no, because I think there are lots of books equally as fun but with more artistry, more charm, richer characters, or a more compelling world.

(Verbatim copy of my Goodreads review.)

Publication Omens

Beautiful post by friend Lesley Hazleton on the joy of receiving a copy of her new book, The First Muslim: The Story of Muhammad, direct from the printer. In particular, she was moved by the cover art, tweaked in final production in a way that took her by surprise — in a good way.

“So I’m still kind of amazed at the physical existence of my own book. Is this stunning production really the same creature as the innumerable drafts of much-scrawled-on typescript pages strewn around my study for years? It’s as though with publication it’s achieved a separate existence. Like a teenager leaving home, it will now make its way in the world on its own terms, an independent agent only tangentially related to me. All I can do is wish it well, cheer it on, defend it when it needs defense — and trust that others will agree that it lives up to the sheer elegance of its cover.”

For anyone who loves books, I strongly recommend reading the original blog post in its entirety on her blog, The Accidental Theologist.

Upload vs. Ready Player One: Join the Discussion on Goodreads

My novel, Upload, has been compared to Ernest Cline’s Ready Player One (by Kirkus Reviews, among others), and I thought it would be interesting to discuss just how far the similarities go.  So I started a discussion thread on Goodreads with the post below.  Have an opinion?  Get over to Goodreads and join the discussion.

If you look at the Kirkus review for Ready Player One, Upload is listed as a suggested similar title. Both are accessible near-future science-fiction novels, set in dystopian worlds where virtual reality has taken precedence over “reality prime” (a term from Upload). Beyond this obvious similarity, to what degree do you think it makes sense to compare one to the other?

In William Cline’s much-discussed review of Ready Player One, he makes the following point:

“Wade’s dissatisfaction with a life spent entirely online is explored throughout the book, though never deeply. I would have liked to see the book explore this tension between the unifying and isolating effects of the online world in more detail.”

I feel Upload delivers some of what William was looking for, but as the author I’m not exactly an impartial judge. I’d love to hear what others think.

I’m also looking for more general discussion on the two titles. Do you think Kirkus made the right call here?

Paperback on Barnes & Noble, Too!

I mentioned yesterday that Upload is available on Amazon as a paperback, in addition to ebook for Kindle.  Barnes & Noble was only one day behind: you can now order Upload from B&N as paperback or Nook Book.

I’m disappointed to see that reviews for the Nook Book don’t carry over to the print edition on Barnes & Noble.  I can see how reviews of a Nook Book might not apply to the print edition, if the reviewer was annoyed by formatting issues particular to the ebook… but now someone who first lands on the paperback edition of Upload will think nobody has reviewed it.  Once again, score one for Amazon.

Upload now available as paperback on Amazon!

I just discovered that the printed edition of Upload is now available on Amazon!  Very exciting.  And I’m happy to see that they correctly paired the paperback and the ebook, so reviews and other info are common for both.

And you know… I think there’s still time to order it as a Christmas present for the reader in your life. 🙂 They even offer gift wrap!